Whether you’re stuck at home for the weekend, 10 days, or indefinitely, board games are an easy way to add some fun to one’s days. There are a wide variety of board games available – from ancient games based on luck, to new cult-favorite strategy games.
This list compiles the most popular board games throughout history.
1. Backgammon
The exact origins of Backgammon are unknown. The dice game dates back more than 5,000 years, and it could have inhabited in what is now Iraq. The modern game of Backgammon may have stemmed from another game called “tabletop” played in 17th century England.
2. Battleship
Battleship is a guessing and strategy type game for two players. The game became popular as a pencil and paper game sometime during World War I, although according to one version of its origins, it invented in 1900. Battleship was turned into a board game in 1967 by Milton Bradley.
3. Blokus
Blokus is a recent abstract strategy most popular board games. Which designed by French mathematician Bernard Tavitian. The game was first released in 2000 by the French publishing company Sekkoia. Tavitian almost created the game by mistake – he was designing a frame for a painting composed of geometric figures.
4.Candy Land
Candy Land created in 1948 by retired school teacher Eleanor Abbott. Abbott had previously diagnosed with polio and her goal was to help entertain children who were being treated for the disease in a San Diego hospital.
The game invented in 1995 by German designer Klaus Teuber, who began designing board games in his basement to escape the stress of his job as a dental technician. An English version – The Settlers of Catan – released in 1996. The game became so popular that biennial Catan World Championships held every two years.