Last time, I introduced some of the best custom board game. This one continues.
1. Summoner Wars
Most collectible and customizable card games will cost you a fortune. And you’ll still lose your strategic path after playing too few games. Summoner Wars solves both problems by giving you six faction decks in one box. From the cunning Shadow Elves to the savage Swapping Orcs. And adding a complete layer of mobility on top of the card game. It’s one of the best custom board game. Your cards don’t form a tableau, but go directly to the grid board. There you move, fight, and cast special powers. At the same time, you have to worry about hand and card management. Because you may not only fail militarily, but also fail if you run out of cards. If you do. Then, in addition to re-building the recommended starting deck, you can also try to adjust. Swap in and out different faction cards to get the right balance for your play style. Once you’re hooked on this game, there are many expansion factions to explore.
2.War of the Ring
It’s hard to believe that the epic story of Tolkien’s Grand Operation could be reimagined as a multi-layered war game. And still retain that sense of storytelling wonder. But that’s exactly what this brilliant asymmetrical game achieves. Players of the Free Peoples must balance their roster of heroes. Between supporting Frodo on his journey to Mount Doom and rallying the nations of Middle-earth to fight the Shadow. And Sauron faces a similar decision. Whether to use military force to crush his enemies, or to divert resources to hunt down the Ring Bearer. Add in an action dice system that prevents scripted gameplay. And wonderful narrative beats in each player’s deck, and you’ve got a game that will please fans of Tolkien, strategy games, and war games alike.