This installment continues with the board game pieces that are commonly used by most game designers on the market.
1.Blank Stand-Up Player Pieces – For Game Designers that Want to Draw Your Own Characters
You might even use these cool blank stand-up pieces without drawing on them. The colored base on the bottom is great for telling the players when testing my prototypes. If you are into the art side of game design, you will have a better use for these designs. I don’t create a lot of games that involve player movement/tracking. But if I start working on a prototype like this, these would be helpful for that.
2.A Nice Set of Board Game Dice – Good Board Game Pieces
You will find it helpful to have a nice set of dice to prototype your game. Once, I had an idea for a new dice game a few years ago. I wanted to have players level up characters and get stronger as the game progressed. I used dice like this to “level up” characters. When a character increases his attack power, the dice are added or upgraded to the dice pool. For this purpose, it works very well. It is also similar to the dice set I used when I shot 3 game ideas in the 3 day challenge.
3.Game Timer – A Standard in the Board Game Industry for Keeping Time
Many party games use a game timer. However, if you want a variety of game timers, then you might like the variety of sand timers for board games. The timers come in varieties of 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes
4.Play Money
Who doesn’t need a little money to complete your collection of board game prototypes. Many board game prototypes can get plenty of play out of a game. Once you have a set of games, all you’ll have to do is playtest to find the right balance of money your players need.