This article lists the most popular board game pieces used by most game designers. Regardless of your level of game design, you can find inspiration in this list of prototyping materials.
1. Pawns – The Classic Board Game Piece
Pawns of various shapes and sizes are one of the most commonly used game pieces in board game prototyping. They are cheaper to buy than Meeples (see below), but serve a very similar purpose and are perfect for use with homemade prototypes.
Pawns seem to come in a variety of shapes and sizes. If you want something different than the standard shaped pawns, these lesser known “man-shaped” pawns are a great way to set you apart from other board game pieces.
2. Meeples – Most Popular Board Game Piece
Moeples are very popular these days and are often used in worker placement games. Meeples usually stand for “workers.”
When you’re prototyping a board game, you can often use Meeples to represent many things, such as: Characters
Workers 、Point trackers、And More. If you want something better than plastic pawns, these wooden Meeples should do the trick! There are also these wooden tokens to represent resources which can also be used to great effect with a class game.
3.Counting Cubes – Great Game Pieces Used for Remembering Things
You can use these counting cubes to keep track of items or events in your game that you don’t want to keep track of using mops or pawns.
One of the best examples of how these little numbers can used is in the board game Pandemic. In Pandemic, there are four diseases breaking out around the world. Counting cubes similar to these used to keep track of infectious diseases.
4.Transparent Color Counting Chips
These transparent counting chips are great if you have a tracking system in your game, such as a victory point tracking system.
They are light and effective for keeping track of people’s scores without blocking the information under the chip.